Online Business Management

For Small-Medium Sized Business

Many small to medium sized businesses usually cannot afford to employ highly qualified bookkeeper/accountants on a full-time basis. The current cost of such an employee would be in the region of between R12,000 and R40,000 per month, depending on the size of the business and where it is located.

As a result, this type of business tends to employ people who have had some experience and exposure to standard accounting software packages. These people are usually quite capable of regular and accurate data capture, but may struggle with more complex and intricate accounting concepts. Their abilities can be limited too, when it comes to the all-important statutory month-end/year-end returns, and the preparation of monthly and annual financial reports which are extremely important to any business owner.


We are able, through our own qualified staff, to provide a supervisory financial and management accounting service to these businesses, which effectively checks the work done by key financial and administrative personnel, on a regular basis. This provides the business owner with a great degree of comfort, in that:

  • His books are being accurately and regularly maintained, and in accordance with accounting standards and income tax requirements.
  • The financial reports generated by the accounting system provide him with a reasonably accurate and up-to-date picture of his business’s trading activities
  • These checks will minimise the risk of theft and fraud.

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This can be done in one of two ways:

  • The traditional way is to send one of our qualified employees to the business premises to physically carry out certain checks; to correct where necessary, and then to report to the business owner.
  • The contemporary way, and we believe this is cutting-edge for accountants, is to do the work over the world-wide web! With the latest software available, and the ever-increasing presence in most small businesses of an ADSL line with full internet connectivity, this becomes a breeze for us. More importantly, it reduces the amount of time spent by our employees travelling to and from the client’s premises – all of which reduces the overall cost!


  • Owner-Managed, small-to-medium-sized businesses.
  • Owner’s of businesses who do not have much accounting/financial management experience.
  • Businesses with relatively unskilled personnel in the accounting and administrative functions.
  • Businesses with limited numbers of administrative staff.
  • Businesses with full internet connectivity and an ADSL line.

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Regular weekly oversight of all accounting/bookkeeping functions to ensure that data is correctly and regularly captured into the relevant accounting package.
(Approx.1 hour)


  • Regular monthly checking of all bank reconciliations to ensure they are agreed to bank statements. (Approx. 1 hour.)
  • Checking of regular VAT returns to ensure they are correctly and timeously submitted. (Approx.1 hour per return.)
  • Checking of all other statutory monthly returns to ensure they comply with statutory requirements. (Approx. 1 hour.)
  • Random monthly checking of certain supplier statements to ensure that they are reconciled to the business’s creditors records. (Approx.1 hour)

On average, the estimated cost to most small-to-medium sized businesses will be between R2500 and R5000 per month for the above services.


If the business requires an audit, the preparation of an ‘audit pack’ for submission to the company’s auditors. The time taken here will be determined by the size and nature of the business.

  • If no audit is required, the preparation of annual financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice. (Approx. 8 hours).
  • The completion and submission of the annual income tax return for the business. (2 hours).


We will also be available to assist owner/managers with preparation of the following:

  • Cash flow forecasts
  • Annual budgets
  • Extraordinary Reports for financial institutions
  • Representation to SARS on any VAT or income-tax related matters.

This kind of work will be charged for on a time-spent basis.

Please contact our offices for the most up-to-date fee charges.
