We believe in ‘preventative healthcare’ for businesses!

Back in the day, family doctors made house calls and knew us pretty well. They were familiar with our routines and lifestyle. So when someone got seriously ill, they had a good grasp of the situation. Nowadays, doctors don’t do house calls unless it’s an emergency, and they’re not as in tune with our daily lives. When we see them for something serious, they diagnose and prescribe medication. Then, it’s on us to follow the treatment and reach out if it doesn’t work.

Now, I’m not trying to criticise the medical profession – they’re just caught up in the same modern-day struggle we all face – having too much to do and not enough time to do it.

Just like doctors, professional accountants and financial consultants don’t make “house calls” these days! Their services are expensive because they hire highly skilled experts. When a business hits a rough patch, they’re called in to diagnose the issue and suggest a fix. But when businesses struggle, it’s often tricky to find the root cause right away. So, it’s like taking meds and checking back if they don’t work. Doctors and accountants can’t always nail it the first time if they’re not involved in day-to-day activities.

At FINSERV, we’re bringing back the personalised approach for our clients. This helps us understand their daily operations, get to know their employees, customers, and suppliers. We can do this in person, but sometimes distance is an issue. Thankfully, the internet allows us to build cyber-relationships, giving us a solid understanding of the business. We work with clients on their monthly financial statements and analyse key performance indicators, allowing for a holistic approach to financial management.